HOW: Start in the modified tall plank position on your knees with your hands on the ground. Drive your hands into the ground and also imaging driving your elbows into the ground. This is your stable base position. Keeping the core and shoulders engaged...

HOW: Lie on your side with the shoulder you want to stretch closest to the ground. You can put a pillow under your head for neck support if you want but it is not necessary. Bring your elbow to your side up to shoulder...

HOW: Lay down on the ground with a towel roll under the forehead. Or, lie on the corner of an elevated surface like your bed. Put your hands out in front of you in the shape of a “Y”. With your thumbs up, slowly...

HOW: Start on the side of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push UP and outwards into the doorway. Think of lifting your elbow towards the ceiling. Slowly ramp up the amount of “pushing” that...

HOW: Start facing a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push forward into the wall. Slowly ramp up the amount of “pushing” that you do, staying just under the point of pain/discomfort and hold that level...

HOW: Start on the outside of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push backwards into the doorframe/wall. Think of driving squeezing your shoulder blades to push backwards. Slowly ramp up the amount of “pushing” that...

HOW: Start with your entire forearms against the wall. Push into the wall with the pink side of your hands as well as your elbows the entire time. Slowly work your way up the wall, then slide back down. Repeat.   FEEL: You should feel...

HOW: Grab a band and put tension on the band by pushing your hands apart. Keep that tension that entire time. Now go to a wall and slowly walk one hand up the wall at a time. Then go down. Repeat.   FEEL: You should...
