27 Aug Hand Behind Back Stretch
HOW: Place your hand behind your back as high up as you feel comfortable. Ideally, you will be able to reach the opposite shoulder blade. You can use the assistance of your opposite arm to. As you feel more comfortable you will be able...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder Internal Rotation – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Lay face up with a towel under your arm to keep the shoulder slightly elevated. Using a dowel or stick, use assistance with your opposite hand to rotate your arm outward until your forearm is perpendicular to the floor. FEEL: You will feel...
27 Aug Pendulum Exercise – Circles
HOW: Begin with the non-affected arm on an elevated surface. While hinging over at your hips dangle the affected arm. You will move your arm in circles in this position initiating the motion from your body. If this is irritating your shoulder you can...
27 Aug Pendulum Exercise – Side To Side
HOW: Begin with the non-affected arm on an elevated surface. While hinging over at your hips dangle the affected arm. You will move your arm from side to side in this position initiating the motion from your body. If this is irritating your shoulder...
27 Aug Pendulum Exercise – Front To Back
HOW: Begin with the non-affected arm on an elevated surface. While hinging over at your hips dangle the affected arm. You will move your arm from front to back in this position initiating the motion from your body. If this is irritating your shoulder...
27 Aug Single Arm Push Up Plus – Elevated
HOW: Find an elevated surface to one arm on. In a high plank position keeping your body in line (feet up to shoulders). Allow the scapula to sag then push the scapula away from you pushing your chest away from the floor. Return back...
09 Aug Wall Slide – Foam Roller
HOW: Get set-up standing in front of a wall with your arms supported on a foam roller that is also supported on the wall. With your thumbs facing towards you and putting pressure into the wall through the foam roller so that it doesn't...
03 Aug Shoulder Is – Swissball
HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs down, reach your arms behind you in the shape of an “I”....
04 Jul Eccentric Bicep Curl – Cable
HOW: Perform a bicep curl with a pulley using both arms to lift the load. Take off your opposite hand and slowly lower the weight with the dominant arm. FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front of your upper arm, these are...
04 Jul Bicep Curl – Cable Bar
HOW: Hold onto a bar with your palms facing forward. Curl up bending at the elbow, then slowly return back to starting position. FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front of your upper arm, these are your bicep muscles. You may feel....