HOW: Get set up in a standing position in your ideal squat stance and form. To begin the exercise, bend forward and grab your toes/front of your shoes with your hands. Then pull yourself down towards the ground with your arms until you're at...

HOW: Get set up in a standing position with a suspension trainer anchored in front of you. Start by holding the suspension trainer handles in each hand with a soft bend in your elbow. To begin the exercise, balance on one leg and have...

HOW: Place your foot flat on an elevated surface. Loop the anchored band around the lowest part of your lower leg. The band should be right below the bend of the ankle joint. With tension in the band, lean forward while keeping your heel...

HOW: Once your band is anchored, step away from anchor to increase resistance. Hold the band with both hands and press in front of you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest away from where you anchored the band. While balancing on the one...

HOW: Get set up standing and then position your feet together, but one foot slightly in front of the other. With the foot that is further behind, the big toe on that foot should be lined up in the middle of the opposite foot....

HOW:  Sit in a chair with your foot comfortably on the ground, be sure to perform this exercise barefoot. To begin the exercise, push through the balls of your foot to raise your heel off the ground. You can use a weight placed on...

HOW: Get set up standing near a wall or a surface/object you can use to help with balance. Place your heels on an elevated so that you're resting in a heel-lifted position. Begin the exercise by pushing down into the ground through the balls...

HOW: Point your foot/toes down and place your foot on a soft surface like a foam pad or pillow. Apply pressure into the surface to face stretch your foot/ankle down.   FEEL: You should feel a stretch on top of your foot, your toes, and...

HOW: Position yourself standing in a corner with your back to it, or with a wall, chair, or sturdy object near you. Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground on a firm surface. Focus on...
