HOW: Begin standing with a looped band around your wrist. Extend your elbows and arms straight out from your chest. Create some tension in the band and maintain that tension while you turn your arms in a circular motion(like turning a steering wheel) back...

HOW: Begin with your hands on the ground directly underneath your shoulders with straight elbows. Your knees should be right under your hips with your toes pushing into the ground. Push into the ground lifting your knees slightly off of the ground. Once you...

HOW: Place a BOSU ball on the ground with the blue side down. Grab onto each side with your arms underneath your shoulders, your legs straight out from your hips and your toes pushing into the ground with a flat back. From this plank...

HOW: Place a kettlebell on the ground in between your feet. Bend your knees, hinge forward at the hips, grab onto the kettlebell with both hands and pull your body into the ground. From here, push into the ground with your legs bringing your...

HOW: Place a kettlebell on the ground in between your feet. Bend your knees, hinge forward at the hips, grab onto the kettlebell with one hand and pull your body into the ground. From here, push into the ground with your legs bringing your...

HOW: Stand facing a wall with both arms on the wall at shoulder height. Keep your elbows straight and let the weight of your body push you towards the wall. Then, push into the wall and your shoulder blades should feel like they are wrapping...

HOW: While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Start by slightly bending your elbows and drive one elbow up and across your body while rotating your upper body with it. Alternate doing this with both arms for the prescribed amount of reps.    FEEL:...

HOW: Begin in a seated position while holding two dumbbells overhead with your palms facing out. From here, lower the dumbbells and rotate your palms to face you while you bring your elbows together in front of you. Press the weight back up and...

HOW: Begin in a standing position and grab a dumbbell in one hand. Bring that dumbbell up overhead while keeping your elbow straight. From here, shrug your shoulder and reach straight up with the dumbbell.    FEEL: You should feel your shoulder and trap muscles working.    ...

HOW: Begin in a standing position and grab a dumbbell in one hand. Bring that dumbbell up overhead while keeping your elbow straight. Hold that position for the prescribed amount of time ad reps.    FEEL: You should feel your shoulder muscles working.    COMPENSATION: Don’t...
