05 Sep Pendulum Push Up – On Knees
HOW: Start by positioning yourself with both knees on the ground. Place your hands on the ground underneath your shoulders. Bend your elbow as you shift your weight to one side and as you lower shift your weight to the other side and then...
04 Sep Standing Ball Squeeze
HOW: Begin by holding a ball in your hands and bringing it up to chest height with your elbows bent. Squeeze your shoulder blade muscles as you squeeze the ball with your hand. Perform this for as long as prescribed and then release. FEEL:...
28 Aug Wall Ball
HOW: Grab a weighted ball and stand in front of a sturdy wall. Begin by performing a squat by hinging forward at hips and bending your knees. At the bottom of the squat, push and throw the ball up hitting the wall with both...
28 Aug Single Arm Pec Fly – Swissball, Dumbbell
HOW: Start by lying on your back on a swissball with your feet on the ground. Have a dumbbell in one hand and press it up straight up over your chest with your knuckles facing the sky. Have a slight bend in your elbow...
28 Aug Single Arm Pec Fly – Bench, Dumbbell
HOW: Start by lying on your back on a bench with your feet on the ground. Have a dumbbell in one hand and press it up straight up over your chest with your knuckles facing the sky. Have a slight bend in your elbow...
28 Aug Push Up Plus – Earthquake
HOW: Grab a thick band to loop around the inside of the squat rack at about waist height. Place your hands shoulder width apart and place your feet back with your toes pushing into the ground. From this push up position, keep your elbows...
28 Aug Push Up – Earthquake
HOW: Grab a thick band to loop around the inside of the squat rack at about waist height. Place your hands shoulder width apart and place your feet back with your toes pushing into the ground. From this push up position, bend your elbows...
28 Aug Heartbeat Squat – Kettlebell
HOW: In a standing position, hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest with your elbows bent. Perform a squat by bending your knees and hinging forward at the hips. At the bottom of your squat, press the kettlebell forward. While...
28 Aug Burpee Broad Jump
HOW: Start in a standing position. Quickly, drop down into the push up position and perform a push up. Immediately get back on your feet to jump straight up into the air. Then after you land, perform a broad jump by jumping as far...
07 Aug Chest Pec Fly – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin by lying on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells straight above your shoulders with a slight bend in your elbow and your knuckles facing each other. Let your arms fall out to the side as far as...