10 Aug Tibial Rotation – Knee Movement
HOW: Get set-up seated on the edge of a surface with your feet hanging off at a 90˚ angle. To begin the exercise, rotate your ankle and shinbone out as far as you can while keeping this position kick the leg straight until your...
07 Aug Calf Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your calves! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....
07 Aug Adductor Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your Adductors! This muscle group attaches onto the pelvis which is what your low back sits on, so you can see how tightness here may influence your low back! You only need to spend...
07 Aug Quadriceps Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the front part of your thigh! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your actual hip bone and knee. Essentially roll the entire area between those bones. You only need to spend a...
07 Aug Glute Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the muscles in your hips! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your sitbones. Everywhere else on your hips you are welcome to roll as long as you want! You only need to...
03 Mar Wrist Extensor Soft Tissue Mobilization – Flexbar
HOW: Get set-up seated with the forearm you want to target supported on a surface. Using a flexbar or other object with your opposite arm, roll out the forearm extensor muscles. Use as much pressure as you feel comfortable with, do not cause excessive...
17 Feb Thoracic Spine Mobilization – Overhead Reach
HOW: Place the foam roller perpendicular to your spine onto a segment which you want to work on (personally I like to work from bottom to top). Now elevate your arms as far back as you can-in an attempt to touch the floor. This...
26 Jan Seated Thoracic Mobilization – Towel
HOW: Place a rolled up towel roll, shirts, or any other fabric. The goal is to make a ‘fulcrum’ that we can use to mobilize your mid back similar to a foam roller. Place the object in your mid back and drive the upper...
01 Jan Armpit Soft Tissue Mobilization
HOW: In a sidelying position place a foam roller just underneath your armpit region. You have the option of rolling up and down, from side to side, or performing a pin and stretch. Work around this area and see what feels good for you....
01 Jan Upper Trap Soft Tissue Mobilization
HOW: Lean onto a lacrosse ball with your upper trap region, this is the muscle mass just above your shoulder blade. You have the option of rolling up and down or from side to side. Work around this area and see what feels good...