HOW: Begin standing up with your hands against a wall with one knee up towards your chest. Drive the elevated leg down towards the floor then quickly exchange legs back to the starting position. This movement should be performed quickly and with power. Lean...

HOW: Begin in a high plank position making sure your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles are in a straight line with resistance and around your feet. Keep your core engaged then lift one leg up and drive the knee towards your chest. Return and...

HOW: Get set-up seated with your feet supported on the ground. While keeping your trunk upright and tall and low back relatively neutral, lift one knee up towards the ceiling while keeping your knee bent. Hold for a moment, then lower down and perform...

HOW: Get set-up on your forearms and knees in a modified plank position. While maintaining good form, lift one leg up in the air behind you by performing hip extension, hold for a second then lower back down. Perform on the other side and...

HOW: While laying on face down place both elbows on the floor at shoulder width. Driving into the floor with both of your forearms lift your chest up, creating an arch in the back. The closer your elbows are together, the higher you will...

HOW: Grab the top of your ankle on the side you plan to stretch with the other arm that is free with the palm facing the ceiling. Try to pull your knee back as tolerated to help increase the stretch of the hip flexors....

HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position with your back foot resting on an elevated surface. Make you keep your pelvis tucked then shift forward towards the front leg.   FEEL: You will feel a stretch on the front of your thigh of the back leg.   ...

WHY: This exercise will stretch a muscle that is in front of your hip going down towards the knee.   HOW: While laying on an elevated surface such as a couch, table, or bed bring one knee into your chest. Allow the other leg to...
