HOW: Start on your knees and forearms with your forearms supported on a towel on a surface with minimal friction. Place something under your knees like a pad or pillow for support. Begin the exercise by sliding your forearms forward to perform an ab...

HOW: Start by laying flat on your back with your feet tucked under something sturdy or someone holding them to help with keeping them flat on the ground. Begin the exercise by placing your hands behind your back followed by performing a sit up...

HOW: Start by laying flat on your back. Perform the exercise by flattening your low back into the ground, stiffening your legs to keep them straight, then reach forward and towards the ceiling with your arms straight as you perform a sit up while...

HOW: Start by laying flat on your back holding onto a sturdy object behind you with your arms and hands overhead. Perform the exercise by flattening your low back into the ground, then lift both legs up straight towards the ceiling. When your legs...

HOW: Start by laying flat on your back. Perform the exercise by flattening your low back into the ground, then fluttering your legs up and down, back and forth about a foot off the ground.   FEEL: You should feel your abs, legs, and core...

HOW: Start by laying flat on your back. Perform the exercise by flattening your low back into the ground, then lift both legs up straight towards the ceiling. While keeping one leg still, slowly lower one leg down towards the ground as low as...

HOW: Start by laying flat on your back holding onto a sturdy object behind you with your arms and hands overhead. Perform the exercise by flattening your low back into the ground, then lift both legs up straight towards the ceiling. When your legs...

HOW: Face a wall, get set-up with your hands supported on the wall at shoulder height with your elbows straight, and a band around the top of your feet. While standing tall with a slight lean forward, as fast as you can lift one...

HOW: Get set-up flat on your back with both feet supported on an elevated surface with the knees straight, slight bend is ok. While maintaining a flat low back, push into the elevated surface to bridge up and lift your hips off the ground....
