HOW: Begin in a seated position on a stool or chair. Place your hand underneath your bottom anchoring down your shoulder. Keep your shoulder depressed down as you tilt your head to the opposite side away from the anchored hand. Hold for the prescribed...

HOW: Place your hands against an elevated surface, lean into the surface so that most of your body weight is in your arms. Then perform the traditional cat cow by arching and tucking your tailbone.   FEEL:  This should feel like a global stretch to...

HOW: Get set up seated upright with your hands supported on your thighs. Begin the exercise by rotating your upper body side-to-side and repeat, listen to the video for tips and cues. As you rotate your body to the right, push your left shoulder...

HOW: Get set up seated upright with your hands supported on your thighs. Begin the exercise by rounding your upper body and head/neck forward, letting your spine bend forward as your hands slide down your thighs. Reverse the motion to sit upright nice and...

HOW: Begin the exercise by getting yourself set up in good posture sitting upright looking straight ahead. Then perform clockwise small neck circles, begin the movement by dropping your chin down, then lower your right ear down towards your shoulder, then turn your chin...

HOW: Begin the exercise by getting yourself set up in a seated position, sitting upright and tall, looking straight ahead with your hands on your thighs. Begin movement by rounding your upper back and neck and letting your hands slide down your thighs towards...

HOW: Begin the exercise by positioning yourself on your hands and knees in a quadruped position, shoulders stacked over hands and hips over knees. Perform a chin tuck and maintain that head/neck position the entire time. Then perform a push-up plus by keeping your...

HOW: Begin the exercise by positioning yourself on your forearms and knees in a modified quadruped position, shoulders stacked over elbows and hips over knees. Perform a chin tuck and maintain that head/neck position the entire time. Then perform a push-up plus by pushing...

HOW: Begin the exercise by positioning yourself on your forearms and knees in a modified quadruped position, shoulders stacked over elbows and hips over knees. Perform a chin tuck and push-up plus maintain that head/neck/shoulder blade position the entire time. While keeping the chin...

HOW: Begin the exercise by positioning yourself on your hands and knees in a quadruped position, shoulders stacked over hands and hips over knees. Perform a chin tuck and push-up plus and maintain that head/neck/shoulder blade position the entire time. While keeping the chin...
