HOW: Use a stable surface or chair with a pad placed on top of it. Position your body side lying and put one leg on top of the pad on the chair or raised surface. The inside part ankle/lower leg should be comfortably on...

HOW: Use a stable surface or chair with a pad placed on top of it. Position your body side lying and put one leg on top of the pad on the chair or raised surface. The inside part of your thigh should be comfortably...

HOW: Place a foam pad on the ground. Stand in the middle of the foam pad with both feet. Keep your balance on the pad while you toss a ball into a wall playing catch with yourself.    FEEL: You should feel your lower leg...

HOW: Start by leaning back with the bottom on your shoulder blade on the edge of a bench or step. Pad the barbell over your groin region. Bring your feet flat on the ground bending your knees to around 90 degrees of flexion. Draw...
