16 Feb Single Leg Overhead Towel Slam
HOW: Begin in a standing position while holding a long towel. Raise your arms fully overhead at the same time shift your weight to one leg while you bend the opposite leg’s knee up. All in one motion, slam the towel down in front...
16 Feb Single Leg Overhead Medball Slam
HOW: Begin in a standing position while holding a medball. Raise your arms fully overhead at the same time shift your weight to one leg while you bend the opposite leg’s knee up. All in one motion, slam the ball down in front of...
16 Feb In-Line Balance – Half Kneeling, Eyes Closed
HOW: Start in a half kneeling by having one knee bent up in front of you with your foot directly in line with the knee that is down on the ground. Stay tall while looking straight ahead. Close your head and hold this balancing...
14 Dec Bird Dog – Head Turns
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. In this position, you will balance on the opposite arm and leg. The wider you are the easier to balance, the more narrow the more challenging this will be. Bring the arm and leg up as high...
14 Dec Importance Of Single Leg Stance
Watch this to find out why the single leg stance is so important!...
10 Dec Single Leg RDL
HOW: In a standing position, shift your weight to one leg. Apply pressure through all of your foot and slightly bend that knee. Hinge forward at the waist while keeping your back flat and kick the opposite leg back. Pull yourself back to the...
10 Dec Single Leg RDL – Shortfoot, Band
HOW: Place a band underneath the ball of your big toe. You will apply pressure on the band through your big toe, the outside toe, and your heel. This will engage your arch, which is key! From here, grab the band with the opposite...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance On Toes – Band, Anti-Inversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg closest to the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Push into the ground with that foot...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance On Toes – Band, Anti-Eversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest from the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Push into the ground with that foot...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Foam Pad, Ball Toss Forward
HOW: Stand on one leg facing a wall while on a foam pad. While balancing on that leg with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into the wall and play catch with it. Keep your hips facing forward as you throw...