HOW: Grab onto a towel with both hands and start in a standing position while holding the towel at chest height. Begin the crow hop by taking your outside foot and crossing it over the other foot. Then, take the original inside foot and...

HOW: Grab a medball and start in a standing position while holding the ball at chest height. Begin the crow hop by taking your outside foot and crossing it over the other foot. Then, take the original inside foot and step back in front...

HOW: Use a stable surface or chair with a pad placed on top of it. Position your body side lying and put one leg on top of the pad on the chair or raised surface. The inside part ankle/lower leg should be comfortably on...

HOW: Use a stable surface or chair with a pad placed on top of it. Position your body side lying and put one leg on top of the pad on the chair or raised surface. The inside part of your thigh should be comfortably...

HOW: Begin on the ground on your hands and knees. Bring one leg forward while keeping the other leg back with its toes pushing into the ground. The front foot should be flat with your hands on the ground in line with the middle...

HOW: Begin on your side with one knee bent on top of a bench and the other bend below the bench on the ground. Have your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in the front...

HOW: Begin on your side with one foot on top of a bench and the other below the bench on the ground. Keep your knees straight, and your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in...

HOW: Hold onto the TRX bands with both hands. Spread your feet wide and bend one knee as you shift your weight to that knee while keeping your chest up and the other knee remains straight. Pull yourself back up with the bands and...
