HOW: Get set-up in a 90/90 position, you can use a yoga block or something else under your front hip to get into the correct position (follow video for tips and details). Once set-up, keep your thighs, knees, and feet flat against the ground,...

HOW: Get set-up on your hands and knees, on the side you want to perform the stretch kick your leg out to the side with the knee straight and foot lined up with your other knee. Find a neutral pelvic position with your low...

HOW: Get set-up on your hands and knees, on the side you want to perform the stretch kick your leg out to the side with the knee straight and foot lined up with your other knee. Find a neutral pelvic position with your low...

HOW: Get set-up in a 90/90 position, you can use a yoga block or something else under your front hip to get into the correct position (follow video for tips and details). Once set-up, keep your thighs, knees, and feet flat against the ground,...

HOW: Get set-up in a 90/90 position, you can use a yoga block or something else under your front hip to get into the correct position (follow video for tips and details). Once set-up, keep your thighs, knees, and feet flat against the ground,...

HOW: Get set-up on the ground sitting on your butt. Use a yoga block or other object and place it under your bottom if your low back is rounding too much. To perform the stretch, bring your feet in together towards your groin, hold...

Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your Adductors! This muscle group attaches onto the pelvis which is what your low back sits on, so you can see how tightness here may influence your low back! You only need to spend...

Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your posterior thigh! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....

HOW: Take a quick step outwards into a lateral lunge position. Get deep into the lunge position by bending your outside hip and knee. Then explosively push yourself back to the starting position, balancing on your opposite leg. The goal of this exercise is...

HOW: Start by lying on your back with a yoga block or some other firm object in between your feet. Keeping your core engaged, squeeze the block between your feet. Now while maintaining that squeeze on the block, slowly curl your knees towards your...
