HOW: Begin in a standing position holding onto a dumbbell with both hands bringing it up against your chest. Widen your feet out and point your toes outward. Bend your knees and slightly hinge forward at the hips squatting down and up for the...

HOW: Begin on the ground on your hands and knees. Keep one knee under your hip and kick one leg out straight to the side with your toes pointed up. Use your hands to push into the ground and slightly move your body back...

HOW: In a seated position, place a yoga block or ball in between your knees. Squeeze your knees together against the block and hold for the prescribed amount of time and reps.    FEEL: You should feel the muscles of your inner thigh working.    COMPENSATION:...

HOW: Start with your knees on the ground spread in a wide position. Your hands should be about shoulder width apart on the ground. Use your hands to push your hips back towards your heels and hold that stretch for the prescribed amount of...

HOW: Start with your knees on the ground spread in a wide position. Use your hands to push your hips back towards your heels. Once you feel a good stretch in your groin, lift one arm off of the ground and rotate it up...

HOW: Get set up in a standing position in your ideal squat stance and form. To begin the exercise, squat down as low as you can and hold the bottom of the deep squat position. Then with your arms and elbows positioned on the...

HOW: Start in the quadruped position. Kick the leg you want to stretch out to the side while keeping your toes pointed forward. Place your hand on that same side behind your head. Rotate that elbow up to the ceiling while stabilizing with the...

HOW: Start in the quadruped position. Move one leg straight out to the side with your toe facing forward. Lean back, causing a stretch in the inner hip. Take the hand that is on the side of the stretched out leg, and reach it...

HOW: Start in a wide stance standing position as you would for a sumo deadlift. Have a band anchored under both feet. Hinge at your hips and lower down into the bottom of a sumo deadlift, grab the band with both hands and set...
