18 Aug Push Up – TRX
HOW: Begin this exercise with your hands on the TRX straps and walk your feet out behind you so you are in a push-up position with your hands under your chest. From here, bend your elbows and lower your chest down towards your hands. Once...
18 Aug Single Arm Push Up Hold – TRX
HOW: Begin this exercise holding onto both TRX straps with one hand by performing the “loop locking” method as demonstrated. From here, push into the TRX handle and slowly walk your feet away from you to assume a plank position with your body weight being...
18 Aug Tricep Extension – TRX
HOW: Begin by holding onto the TRX straps for this exercise. From here, keep your arms straight as you walk your feet back so you are in a plank position. From this position, bend your elbows bringing your fists towards your ears, and then straighten...
18 Aug Mountain Climber – TRX
HOW: Begin this exercise on your hands and knees with your toes in the handles of the TRX. From this position, push through your arms and straighten your legs to assume a plank position. Once in this position, drive one knee quickly towards your chest...
18 Aug Jump Squat – TRX
HOW: Begin holding firmly onto the TRX with both hands. From here, bend your knees as you assume a squatting position. Using your arms and the TRX for support, push through your legs as you perform a jumping motion. FEEL: You should feel the muscles...
18 Aug High Row to Shoulder External Rotation – TRX
HOW: Begin this exercise holding onto a TRX band and slowly walk your feet forward until you are leaning back. From this position, pull your body forward as you bend your elbows pulling your wrists to your shoulders. From here, keep your shoulder blades squeezed...