07 Sep First Rib Mobilization – Strap
HOW: For this exercise begin in a seated position with a strap like object slung over one shoulder and tucked under the opposite hip like a seatbelt. The strap should be tucked at the base of the neck. From here, gently pull the strap...
12 Mar Standing Row – Landmine, Meadow
HOW: Stand at the end of a barbell in a staggered stance with the leg closest to the weight back and your opposite leg forward. Have your feet about shoulder width apart. The barbell should be centered in between your legs. From here, hinge forward...
20 Sep Quadruped Pec Stretch – Swiss Ball
HOW: Kneel down on the ground next to a swissball. Get into the quadruped position with your knees on the ground under the hips, and your hands on the ground under your shoulders. Place one arm up in a diagonal direction on top of...
31 Mar Ulnar Nerve Slider
HOW: Start with relaxing the tension in the ulnar nerve by extending your arm out to the side at shoulder height. Put your pointer finger and thumb together, bend your wrist down, and look towards that hand. From here, bend your elbow and place...
30 Mar Ulnar Nerve Tensioner
HOW: Start with relaxing the tension in the ulnar nerve by extending your arm out to the side at shoulder height. Put your pointer finger and thumb together, bend your wrist up, and tilt your head towards the opposite shoulder while looking forward. From...
30 Mar Radial Nerve Tensioner
HOW: In a standing position, start with your arm down at your side. Face your palm backwards as you flick your wrist back while you extend the arm back past your torso. Then, bring your ear to the opposite shoulder of the arm you are...
30 Mar Radial Nerve Slider
HOW: In a standing position, start with your arm down at your side. Face your palm backwards as you flick your wrist back while you extend the arm back past your torso. Then, bring your ear to the shoulder of the arm you are stretching....
23 Mar Standing Thoracic Windmill
HOW: Start in a standing position with a slight bend in your knees. Reach one arm up and over your head. At the same, reach the opposite arm across your chest towards the other side. Exhale out as you reach as far as you...
23 Mar Split Stance Lunge Turns – Band
HOW: Start in a standing position while holding onto each end of a resistance band. Keep your back flat as you step forwards with one leg slightly bending the knee while keeping the other leg straight back for balance support. Keep most of your...
10 Oct Upper Body World’s Greatest Stretch
HOW: Begin in a quadruped position hands and knees on the ground. Sit back onto your heels while keeping your arms straight and hands on the ground creating the child’s pose position. From here, bring your chest up and put your hips down while...