HOW: Begin facing a wall with your finger tips resting on the wall in front of you. Slowly walk your fingertips up the wall as your arm goes into forward flexion. Once you reach the top of the motion, slowly walk your fingers back to...

HOW: Begin facing perpendicular to the wall with your finger tips resting on the wall. From this position, slowly walk your fingers up the wall as your arm goes into abduction. Once you reach the top of the motion, slowly walk your fingers back down...

HOW: Begin laying on your stomach holding a dowel with both hands and palms facing down. From this position, lift the dowel up off your hips initiating the movement by thinking about pulling apart the dowel to further assist with shoulder extension.   FEEL: You should...

HOW: Get set up by lying on the side of the involved shoulder with your head supported by a pillow. Roll back slightly onto the shoulder blade in this position.From here, bring your arm out to the side at roughly a 90 degree angle...

HOW: Begin in a seated position with your hands interlocked behind your head. Bring your elbows in towards your knees as you round your back and shoulders forward. After your rounded forward as much as you can, slowly reverse back opening up your chest...

HOW: Start in a seated position with your hands interlocked behind your head. With your shoulders and arms relaxed, squeeze your shoulder blades back. Pretend there is a pencil in between them that you are trying to squeeze. Return to the starting relaxed position...

HOW: Begin in a seated position. Place your arms behind your back. Keep your arms relaxed as you squeeze your shoulder blades down and back. Imagine trying to squeeze a pencil in between them. Repeat for the prescribed amount of reps.    FEEL: You should...

HOW: Lie on your side with support for your head from a pillow or opposite arm. Bend the top elbow to about 90 degrees. From here, bring your arm up overhead as high as you can while maintaining the bent elbow. Your hand should...

HOW: Begin in a standing position. Lift one arm up to the front at a 45 degree angle as high as you possibly can overhead and back down for the prescribed amount of reps.    FEEL: You should feel your shoulder muscles working.    COMPENSATION: Don’t...

HOW: Begin in a standing position. Lift one arm up and out to the front as high as you possibly can overhead and back down for the prescribed amount of reps.    FEEL: You should feel your shoulder muscles working.    COMPENSATION: Don’t shrug your shoulder...
