HOW: Place your hand behind your back as high up as you feel comfortable. Ideally you will be able to reach the opposite shoulder blade. Once you find this point, stand up tall while pulling your shoulder blades together. This will help stretch the...

HOW: Get a band set-up at shoulder height and you will face away from the anchor. You will perform this exercise on one side at a time. Get your elbow set up at shoulder height with it bent 90 degrees and your forearm and...

HOW: Get a band set-up at elbow height and you will face perpendicular to the anchor. You will perform this exercise on one side at a time. Start with your elbow by your side, bent to 90 degrees, thumb facing up, and your hand...

HOW: This is a combination of six different exercises meant to serve as your ultimate bulletproof warm up before getting into your program today or any other upper body workouts. Follow the video to learn more about the 6 exercises: Standing A’s. Standing T’s....
