08 Dec Bear Plank – Deep Neck Extension
HOW: Take an all fours position on your hands and your knees. Hands underneath the shoulders and knees under the hips. Lift the knees off the ground. Let the head and neck flex down. Take a chin tuck position. Raise the head holding the chin...
08 Dec Bear Plank – Rock Back
HOW: Take an all fours position on your hands and your knees. Hands underneath the shoulders and knees under the hips. Lift the knees off the ground. Pushing through the palms, take the hips towards the heels. Keep the shins parallel to the ground. Once...
04 Aug Quadruped Shoulder Y – With Breath
HOW: Begin by positioning onto the hands and knees. Bring the ribs down to the pelvis, making the back flat. Breathe in through the belly and relax the pelvic floor. As you breathe out, keep the ribs down and bring the arm out to the...
04 Aug Quadruped Hold – Pelvic Floor Contraction
HOW: Begin by positioning onto the hands and knees. Bring the ribs down to the pelvis, making the back flat. As you breathe in, drop the belly towards the floor. Fill the belly with air lengthening, flexing, and softening the area between the sits...
05 Apr Plank Bird Dog – On Knees
HOW: Begin by lying on your stomach. Bend the knees of both legs to a right angle. Prop your upper body on your forearms. Pushing through your forearms and thighs, lift the hips up to the ceiling. Keep the pelvis tucked underneath you. Lift...
05 Apr Plank – Arm & Leg Lift, On Knees
HOW: Begin by lying on your stomach. Bend the knees of both legs to a right angle. Prop your upper body on your forearms. Pushing through your forearms and thighs, lift the hips up to the ceiling. Keep the pelvis tucked underneath you. Lift...
07 Sep Quadruped Posterior Oblique Sling Hip Extension – Shoulder Extension
HOW: For this exercise, set yourself up in an all four position with a resistance band anchored in line with your shoulders. From here, engage your core slightly by pulling your belly button slightly up to your spine. From here, grab onto the resistance...
18 Jun Quadruped Position – Isometric Hold
HOW: Begin in an all fours position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. From here, perform a small chin tuck as you think about pushing your hands into the ground slightly to engage the shoulder girdle. Also...
12 Mar Child’s Pose – Prone Press Up Flow
HOW: Start on your hands and knees with your knees underneath your hips and reach your hands as far out as you can. Sit your hips back and try to place your butt on your heels while keeping your arms straight out in front of...
27 Jan Quadruped Rock Back- Knee Flexion Bias, Towel Gapping
HOW: Start by rolling up a towel and placing it behind your knee. The bigger the roll the less bending it will be able to perform. Get into the child's pose position by sitting back on your knees with your toes pushing into the ground...