26 Jun Lateral Step Down To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Stand on top of an elevated surface. Shift your weight to one leg and bend the other knee up. Begin to bend the knee you are standing on and hinge forward at the hips as you straighten your other leg down to the...
26 Jun Goblet Squat – Heels Elevated
HOW: Place two weight plates on the ground. Place your heels on the edge of each plate. Hold a kettlebell up at your chest with your elbows in. From this position, perform a squat by bending at the knees and hinging forward at the...
26 Jun Anterior Step Down To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Stand on top of an elevated surface. Shift your weight to one leg and bend the other knee up. Begin to bend the knee you are standing on as you straighten your other leg down to mimic you stepping off of the surface....
10 Jun Long Arc Quad – Dorsiflexion Bias, Kettlebell
HOW: Sit on a tall chair or elevated step where your feet are off of the ground. Place your foot in the kettlebell handle. Point your toes up as you kick your leg straight up ending with your knee straight. Bring the weight back...
27 May Anterior Step Down – RNT
HOW: Start by standing on a step or elevated surface with a band around your knee. The band needs to be looped around just above your knee cap and should be wanting to pull your knee in. Your goal is to push your knee...
28 Apr Spanish Squat Isometrics
HOW: Get set up in a standing position with bands wrapped behind your knees and anchored to a sturdy surface. Depending on the band set up - you may have 1 band around both knees or use two bands - below the knees tends...
28 Apr Isometric Single Leg Press – Swissball
HOW: Place the swissball against a wall. Make sure to have a sturdy chair or step. While in a seated, upright position, push into the ball with your foot flat on the ball. There should be a bend in your knee as you push...
28 Apr Isometric Single Leg Knee Extension – Swissball, At Wall
HOW: Place the swissball against a wall. While in a seated, upright position, kick into the ball and hold for a prescribed amount of time. As you kick, you shouldn’t be moving at all but you will feel your muscles activating. FEEL: You should...
20 Apr Isometric Squat
HOW: Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Stick your butt out, keep your chest up and squat down. Once you reach your desired position, hold that for the prescribed amount of time. Push back up when done. FEEL: You should feel...
20 Apr Isometric Squat – Band
HOW: Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Place the band loop just above your knees. Keeping your weight even, begin to squat down. As you squat down, push out with your knees and hold that for the prescribed amount of time. ...