05 Oct Shoulder Flexion Step Back – PROM
HOW: Place your affected arm on a high surface like a countertop out in front of you. Let your shoulder completely relax. Either step back away from the table or move your hips away from the table or both, to slowly increase the amount...
05 Oct Shoulder Abduction Step Back – PROM
HOW: Place your affected arm on a high surface like a countertop to the side of you. Let your shoulder completely relax. Either step out away from the table or move your hips away from the table or both, to slowly increase the amount...
05 Oct Seated Knee Flexion – PROM, Other Leg Assist
HOW: Sit at the edge of a table or some sort of elevated surface. Ideally, you don't want your feet to touch the ground. Place your unaffected leg under your affected leg, fully supporting it. Slowly let your affected knee bend by lowering your...
05 Oct Knee Flexion On Wall – PROM
HOW: Lie on your back close to a wall. Place your affected leg on the wall. Make sure your heel can slide on the wall, so wear a sock or place a pillow cloth or something else slippery around your foot so that it...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder Flexion – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Begin laying face up with a stick or a dowel in both hands. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms overhead as high as you can tolerate. Keep the surgical shoulder as relaxed as possible. FEEL: You may feel the...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder External Rotation – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Lay face up with a towel under your arm to keep the shoulder slightly elevated. Using a dowel or stick, use assistance with your opposite hand to rotate your arm outward until the desired stretch it met. You can hold at the end...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder Flexion to 90 – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Begin laying face up with a stick or a dowel in both hands. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms up to 90 degrees, this is when your arm is straight up and down. Keep the surgical shoulder as relaxed...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder Internal Rotation – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Lay face up with a towel under your arm to keep the shoulder slightly elevated. Using a dowel or stick, use assistance with your opposite hand to rotate your arm outward until your forearm is perpendicular to the floor. FEEL: You will feel...
27 Aug Pendulum Exercise – Circles
HOW: Begin with the non-affected arm on an elevated surface. While hinging over at your hips dangle the affected arm. You will move your arm in circles in this position initiating the motion from your body. If this is irritating your shoulder you can...
27 Aug Pendulum Exercise – Side To Side
HOW: Begin with the non-affected arm on an elevated surface. While hinging over at your hips dangle the affected arm. You will move your arm from side to side in this position initiating the motion from your body. If this is irritating your shoulder...