07 May Seated Big Toe Flexion:Extension – PROM
HOW: In a seated position, cross one leg over the other. Stabilize your foot with one hand and gently grab the big toe with the other hand. Move the toe up and down while only letting your hand do the work, not activating the...
31 Mar Sleeper Stretch
HOW: Get set up by lying on the side of the involved shoulder with your head supported by a pillow. Roll back slightly onto the shoulder blade in this position.From here, bring your arm out to the side at roughly a 90 degree angle...
31 Mar Seated Plantar Fascia Stretch
HOW: In a seated position, cross the involved leg and foot over the other leg’s knee with your ankle hanging unsupported. Gently pull your big toe up stretching the bottom of your foot for the prescribed amount of reps. FEEL: You should feel a...
31 Mar Seated 1st MTP Extension Mobilization
HOW: In a seated position, cross the involved leg and foot over the other leg’s knee with your ankle hanging unsupported. Grab your foot around the ball of your foot stabilizing the whole foot with that hand. With the other hand, gently pull your...
30 Mar 90/90 Hip Switch Stretch
HOW: Begin in a seated position with both knees bent on the ground. One knee should be lying on its outside, and the other should be lying on its inside. Sit up tall, hinge forward at the hips and lean towards the knee lying...
24 Feb Pigeon Hip Extension Stretch
HOW: Start by lying on the ground or table. Place one leg in front and across you. Your shin should be perpendicular to your body. Slowly sink down with your chest until you feel a pull in the back of the hip. With the...
22 Aug Foot On Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Static
HOW: Place your foot up against the wall as high as you feel comfortable with your heel on the ground. Drive your knee towards the wall feeling a stretch in the calf and foot. Hold that stretch for as long as prescribed. FEEL: You...
22 Aug Foot On Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Dynamic
HOW: Place your foot up against the wall as high as you feel comfortable with your heel on the ground. Drive your knee towards the wall feeling a stretch in the calf and foot. Move your knee back and forth for the prescribed amount...
07 Aug Seated Glute Stretch
HOW: Start in a seated position with your feet flat on the ground. From here, lift one knee off of the ground grabbing onto it with both hands and pulling it towards your chest. Hold that stretch for as long as prescribed. FEEL: You...
31 Jul Single Knee To Chest – Knee Flexion Emphasis
HOW: Begin by lying flat on your back. Bend one knee up and put your foot flat on the floor. Bring the other knee up towards your chest. Interlock your hands and grab onto your lower leg bending your knee. The closer your hands...