HOW: Begin the exercise by positioning yourself on your forearms and knees in a modified quadruped position, shoulders stacked over elbows and hips over knees. Perform a chin tuck and push-up plus maintain that head/neck/shoulder blade position the entire time. While keeping the chin...

HOW: Begin the exercise by positioning yourself on your hands and knees in a quadruped position, shoulders stacked over hands and hips over knees. Perform a chin tuck and push-up plus and maintain that head/neck/shoulder blade position the entire time. While keeping the chin...

HOW: Begin the exercise by getting yourself set up in good posture sitting upright looking straight ahead. Then place your fingers on the side of your cheek (cheek bone) and try to turn your head and neck to the opposite side, however, use the...

HOW: Begin the exercise by getting yourself set up in good posture sitting upright looking straight ahead. Then place your hand or fingers on the side of your head (temple region) and try to push your head and neck sideways in the opposite direction,...

HOW: Begin the exercise by getting yourself set up in good posture sitting upright looking straight ahead. Then place your hand or fingers on the back of your head and try to push your head and neck forward, however, use the muscles in your...

HOW: Begin the exercise by getting yourself set up in good posture sitting upright looking straight ahead. Then place your hand or fingers on the front of your head (forehead region) and try to push your head and neck backward, however, use the muscles...

HOW: Begin the exercise by getting yourself set up in good posture sitting upright looking straight ahead. Then perform clockwise large neck circles, begin the movement by dropping your chin down, then lower your right ear down towards your shoulder, then turn your chin...

HOW: You can be sitting or standing with this exercise, demonstrated is standing - just know you can get more body rotation in standing versus sitting. To perform the exercise, focus on keeping your head still looking straight ahead as you rotate the rest...

HOW: Lay face down with a towel around your mid back. Hold onto both ends of the towel with your hands and slowly push up into a press up or hip supported upward dog position. You should be hinging at the area in which...

HOW:  Begin in a plank position on your hands and feet with a band wrapped around the back of your head. Spread your shoulder blades by pushing your chest away from the floor. In this position perform a chin tuck, try creating a double...
