HOW: Grab a cushioned pad. Set up at a wall or post. Take a split stance position as far as you can from the wall while still keeping your front foot flat on the floor. Push your knee into the cushioned pad. Sink down into...

HOW: Grab a foam roller and a medicine ball. Set up facing away from the wall with the foam roller placed at the glutes. Take a single leg stance position and with the medicine ball at shoulder height, drop the ball and catch it in...

HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a half kneeling position with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg forward over the...

HOW: Grab a medicine ball. Set up in a split stance position. Rotate the spine towards the front leg, and hold the ball to the side of the hip. Drop the ball and catch it in a split squat position, once again to the side...

HOW: Begin in a deep split squat position, somewhat of a shorter stride length. Keeping yourself in a squat position, push through the ground to jump to a low height. Softly absorb in the deep squat position and continue on to the next jump. The goal is...

HOW: Grab a medicine ball. Set up in a double leg stance position. Hold the ball in front of the body at the height of the shoulder. Drop the ball and catch it in a squat position, once again at the height of the shoulder. Hold...

HOW: Grab a foam roller and a medicine ball. Set up facing away from the wall with the foam roller placed at the glutes. Take a double leg stance position. With the medicine ball at shoulder height, drop the ball and catch it in a...

HOW: Begin in a deep squat position. Keeping yourself in a squat position, push through the ground to jump to a low height. Softly absorb in the deep squat position and continue on to the next jump. The goal is to be quick but soft.    FEEL:...

HOW: Begin in a standing position. Anchor a resistance band or cable at hip height. Wrap the cable behind you, above the hip. Walk back until you feel resistance. Begin to slowly walk backward in a squatted position, loading the toes to the heels. Take small...