20 Apr Isometric Squat – Band
HOW: Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Place the band loop just above your knees. Keeping your weight even, begin to squat down. As you squat down, push out with your knees and hold that for the prescribed amount of time. ...
20 Apr Seated Pigeon Stretch
HOW: While seated, cross the leg you want to stretch over your other knee. Sit up straight and lean forward, hinging at the hips. Lean as far as you comfortably can. FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your hip muscles as you lean...
20 Apr Clam – Internal Rotation
HOW: Lay on your side and slightly bring both knees forward. Bend both knees and bring them up, almost to your hips. Lift your heel off of the bottom heel, bringing your foot up towards the ceiling. Make sure to keep your knees stay...
03 Apr Knee Across Chest Stretch – Dynamic
HOW: Begin by lying face-up with one arm around the opposite knee. Pull your knee over towards the arm that is pulling it, while keeping your chest facing the ceiling. The more you bring your knee towards your chest and the closer towards the...
03 Apr Knee Across Chest Stretch
HOW: Begin by lying face-up with one arm around the opposite knee. Pull your knee over towards the arm that is pulling it, while keeping your chest facing the ceiling. The more you bring your knee towards your chest and the closer towards the...
03 Feb Standing Donkey Kick – Band
HOW: Begin on one leg with a resistance band wrapped around your opposite ankle. You can use a firm surface to maintain balance. Elevate your leg with the resistance band and kick that leg out and back. FEEL: You should feel your butt muscles...
03 Feb Tall Kneeling Hip Hinge – Resisted, Standing
HOW: Start in a tall kneeling position with both knees down on the ground. The first step is to posteriorly tuck your pelvis by imagining you’re tucking a tail between your legs. Next, keeping this tuck, squeeze your glutes and core very hard and drive...
06 Jan Single Leg RDL – Foam Pad
HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing one leg on a foam pad. Next focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it easier for you...
28 Oct Supine Pelvic Tilt
WHY: This exercise will help you to learn low back and pelvic body awareness. Learning body awareness in these regions is important when trying to manage pain now and in the future. This exercise also promotes motion in this region and can help with...
17 Oct Isometric Supine Clam – Band
HOW: Get set-up laying on your back with your knees bent. Place a band on around and above your knees. Perform the exercise by separating your knees pushing out against the band as hard as you can and holding this position. FEEL: You will...