28 Aug Split Stance Overhead Press – Earthquake, Barbell
HOW: In a squat rack, place a band on each end with a weight attached at the bottom of the band. Make sure the band tension and weights are even. Place the middle of the bar in the front of your shoulders with your...
28 Aug Side Plank T – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your side with feet stacked together, knees straight, and your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in the front at chest level. From here, lift your hips into the air with your...
28 Aug Overhead Press – Earthquake, Dumbbell
HOW: Loop a band through a dumbbell or kettlebell. In a standing position, grab onto the band, bend your elbow, and position your hand in front of your shoulder. From here, press the band and weight straight up overhead. The slower you go the...
07 Aug Side Plank Roll
HOW: Begin in a plank position with your forearms on the ground, elbows straight down from your shoulders, and your feet straight out from your hips with your toes pushing into the ground. All at the same time, rotate your chest and hips to...
07 Aug Single Leg Bear Position Hold
HOW: Begin with your hands on the ground directly underneath your shoulders with straight elbows. Your knees should be right under your hips with your toes pushing into the ground. Push into the ground lifting your knees slightly off of the ground. Once you...
07 Aug Table Top Heel Tap – Oblique Activation
HOW: Start by lying on your back and bending both knees up so they are straight up from your hips. With one hand, place it on the top of the opposite knee. Slightly push into that hand with your knee with no motion as...
25 Jul Standing Multi-Segmental Rotation
HOW: Bring your feet all the way together in a standing position. Rotate your upper body to one side while keeping your feet flat and your hips facing forward. Try to look behind you while rotating your shoulders with you. Breathe normally as you...
25 Jul Standing Multi-Segmental Flexion
HOW: Bring your feet all the way together in a standing position. Begin by touching your head chest, rounding your shoulder forward, placing your hands on your thighs, and slowly arching each part of your back while keeping your legs straight. Reach down down...
25 Jul Standing Multi-Segmental Extension
HOW: Bring your feet all the way together in a standing position. Bring your arms straight up overhead. Reach back as far as you can, safely, while following your fingers with your eyes creating an arch in your back. Your hips should move forward...
25 Jul Staggered Sit To Stand – Reach Towards Rear Leg
HOW: Stand in front of a chair or sturdy surface. Slightly stagger your feet to where one foot’s toes are aligned with the middle of the other foot. Perform a sit to stand by bending both knees, hinging forward at the hips and sitting...