06 Sep Double Knee to Chest – Swiss Ball
HOW: Begin this exercise laying on your back with your heels resting comfortably on a swiss ball with your knees straight. Once in this position, gently bend your knees bringing your knees towards your chest in a controlled manner. As you bring your knees...
12 Mar Standing Isometric Knee Extension – Wall
HOW: Stand against a wall and place a towel roll behind your knee with your heel as close as you can to the wall. Support your hips on the wall and push into the towel with the back of your knee flexing the top thigh...
27 Jan Quadruped Rock Back- Knee Flexion Bias, Towel Gapping
HOW: Start by rolling up a towel and placing it behind your knee. The bigger the roll the less bending it will be able to perform. Get into the child's pose position by sitting back on your knees with your toes pushing into the ground...
27 Oct Seated Knee Flexion – AAROM
HOW: Begin in an upright seated position in a chair or stool. Your feet positioning may vary depending on your knee range of motion. Pull your foot back and bend your knee. Hold this and perform going backwards and forwards for the prescribed amount of...
27 Oct Long Arc Quad – AROM
HOW: Position yourself in a seated position on an elevated surface so your feet are off of the ground. Set your knees up on the edge of the surface. From here, squeeze your quadriceps muscles, point your toes toward you, and kick your leg up...
05 Sep Single Leg RDL – Hip Rotation
HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing one leg. Next, focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it easier for you to counterbalance your trunk...
05 Sep Reverse Step Up
HOW: Position yourself standing in front of a step. Place one leg behind you on the step with your toes pushing into the top of the step. Push into the step while keeping your body and other leg straight and finish on top of...
17 Aug Split Stance Lunge Hold – Band
HOW: Begin by placing a band around your knees just above your knee cap. Stand with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Bend both knees and shift most of your weight...
07 Aug Eccentric Long Arc Quad
HOW: Begin in an upright seated position with some clearance between your feet and floor. Kick one leg up all the way straight contracting your thigh muscles. Bring the other foot over the top of the straightened leg. The top leg should push down...
25 Jul Staggered Sit To Stand – Reach Towards Rear Leg
HOW: Stand in front of a chair or sturdy surface. Slightly stagger your feet to where one foot’s toes are aligned with the middle of the other foot. Perform a sit to stand by bending both knees, hinging forward at the hips and sitting...