HOW: Get set up in a standing position balancing on one leg. Begin the exercise by bouncing up and down on one foot on the balls of your foot and repeating as if you were single leg jump roping/hopping in place.   FEEL: You should...

HOW: Get set up in a standing position. Begin the exercise by bouncing from one foot to the other on the balls of your feet and repeating as if you were jump roping/hopping in place.   FEEL: You should focus on maintaining a rigid/stiff foot/ankle...

HOW: Get set-up holding a hex bar with the desired weight. To perform the exercise, begin with a partial squat followed by performing a jump. Demonstrated in the video is performing consecutive jump squats, however, if performing for the first time or working on...

HOW: Start with one leg on the ground. Load the weight bearing leg to jump as high as you can. Control the landing and repeat.   FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your leg working to control the landing and descent.   COMPENSATION: When...

HOW: Start with one leg on the ground. Load the weight bearing leg to jump as high as you can. Control the landing, and pause prior to performing the next repetition.   FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your leg working to control...

HOW: Follow along with the video.   FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your legs working to control the landing and descent.   COMPENSATION: Landing Position. Make sure your knees are aligned over your toes. They should not dive inwards on the landing. Your...

HOW: Get set-up in a tall split squat position with one foot back and up/supported on a bench or elevated surface. Perform a split squat by letting your hip and knee bend to lower yourself down. Then perform a jump, land softly, and repeat....

HOW: Start in a split stance position with equal weight between your front leg and your back leg. The goal is to push off of both feet to jump in the air. Jump in a powerful, controlled manner. Land with both feet at the...

HOW: Start in a split stance position with equal weight between your front leg and your back leg. The goal is to push off of both feet to jump in the air. In the air, you will "scissor" and switch your foot position so...
