03 Feb Standing Donkey Kick – Band
HOW: Begin on one leg with a resistance band wrapped around your opposite ankle. You can use a firm surface to maintain balance. Elevate your leg with the resistance band and kick that leg out and back. FEEL: You should feel your butt muscles...
03 Feb Tall Kneeling Hip Hinge – Resisted, Standing
HOW: Start in a tall kneeling position with both knees down on the ground. The first step is to posteriorly tuck your pelvis by imagining you’re tucking a tail between your legs. Next, keeping this tuck, squeeze your glutes and core very hard and drive...
07 Jan Standing Weight Shifts
HOW: Get set up near a wall or an object such as a chair to ensure safety if you were to lose your balance. Slowly shift your weight laterally all the way to one side trying to put 100% of your weight onto one...
07 Jan Standing Weight Shifts – On Tip Toe
HOW: Get set up near a wall or an object such as a chair to ensure safety if you were to lose your balance. Raise your heels and maintain this position for the entirety of this exercise. Slowly shift your weight laterally all the...
30 Dec Child’s Pose
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. Push back into a child’s pose, round your back within your tolerance. Focus on bringing your butt as far back as possible, ideally, your butt will touch your heels while dropping your chest towards the floor. Keep...
30 Dec Child’s Pose – Sideways Reach
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. Push back into a child’s pose, round your back within your tolerance. Focus on bringing your butt as far back as possible, ideally, your butt will touch your heels. From this position reach your arms over to...
17 Oct Prone Hip External And Internal Rotation – AROM
HOW: Get set-up laying on your stomach with your knee bent at 90 degrees so that your shin is facing up towards the ceiling. While keeping your hips and pelvis flat and parallel to the ground, slowly let your foot fall out to one...
06 Oct Pigeon Stretch
HOW: Place one leg in front and across you. Your shin should be perpendicular to your body. Slowly sink down with your chest until you feel a pull in the back of the hip. You can rotate your body towards the leg in front...
06 Oct Supine Hip Internal Rotation Stretch
HOW: lay on your back facing up with one foot over the opposite leg. Use the elevated leg to help drop your knee in towards the floor. Reach with your arm towards the side that is getting stretched to maximize this stretch and avoid any...
06 Oct Cat Cow – Lumbar Spine
WHY: This exercise will help with learning back and pelvic body awareness as well as it promotes global mobility of these regions. This exercise also provides the opportunity for your back to get comfortable with moving in and out of your spinal flexion and...