HOW: Start by facing a wall. Stand as close as you can to it with your feet up against it spread about shoulder width and your toes slightly facing outward. Raise your arms up overhead. Use your core and hip muscles to pull your...

HOW: Begin by placing your upper back on an elevated bench surface. Your shoulder blades should be just above the edge. Have your feet shoulder width apart and flat on the ground. Your knees bent with your feet slightly behind your knees. Push into...

HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing one leg. Next, focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it easier for you to counterbalance your trunk...

HOW: Begin in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Hinge forward at the hips, and bend your knees into a deep squat all the way down to grab onto your toes. Once your hips are as low as you can...

HOW: In a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hinge forward at the hips and slightly bend your knees. Place one on the inside of the opposite knee. Move the other hand behind your back with your palm facing out and elbow bent. From...

HOW: Stand tall with a kettlebell in one hand. Perform a hip hinge by bending forward at the hips and slightly bending your knees allowing the weight to hang down in front of you. Use your hips and glutes to swing the weight up...

HOW: Anchor a band to a lower position. Grab onto the band with one hand and shift your weight to one leg lifting the other leg off of the ground. From here, hinge forward at the hips kicking your leg back and letting your...

HOW: Begin by placing a BOSU ball on the ground with the ball side down. Center one foot in the middle of the BOSU. Slightly bend your knee and hinge forward at the hips finding your balance. From here, straighten the other leg out...

HOW: Begin in a standing position holding onto a dumbbell with both hands bringing it up against your chest. Widen your feet out and point your toes outward. Bend your knees and slightly hinge forward at the hips squatting down and up for the...

HOW: Set up a kettlebell in between your feet. Hip hinge to grab the kettlebell and elevate the bell until you are standing up tall. Keep your shoulder blades slightly pulled back. Now perform a kettlebell swing by staying stiff with your back, shoulders,...
