06 Jan Single Leg RDL – Foam Pad
HOW:  Begin this exercise by balancing one leg on a foam pad. Next focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it easier for you...
06 Nov Open up Side Step – In Place
HOW: Begin in a squat position with a band on around and above your knees. While keeping one foot in place, step in an open-up fashion to the outside to make a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for a moment, then slowly return...
28 Oct Single Leg Balance – Off Step
HOW: Find a step or elevated surface. Line yourself up sideways to the step and place your leg on it. Push yourself up and hold a single leg balance position. FEEL: Keep your core and glutes squeezed as hard as you can to maintain...
27 Oct Bird Dog – On Swissball
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees with a swiss ball under your stomach. Engage your core slightly then lift one arm up and the opposite leg towards the ceiling. Your shoulder blade should drive the arm movement, your glutes should drive the leg...
27 Oct Prone Swimmer
HOW: Lay face down with your arms overhead. Lift one arm up and the opposite leg towards the ceiling. Your shoulder blade should drive the arm movement, your glutes should drive the leg movement. FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the back of...
27 Oct Prone Swimmers – In Extension
HOW: Lay face down with your arms overhead. Elevate both arms and legs off of the floor into a superman position. Lift one arm up and the opposite leg towards the ceiling and repeat back and forth. Your shoulder blade should drive the arm...
17 Oct Single Leg Fire Hydrant – Wall Support, Band
HOW: Get set-up with one foot behind you supported on a wall, have enough space between your foot on the ground and the wall so that your knee is not beyond your toes on the side you're standing on. With a band on above...
17 Oct Isometric Supine Clam – Band
HOW: Get set-up laying on your back with your knees bent. Place a band on around and above your knees. Perform the exercise by separating your knees pushing out against the band as hard as you can and holding this position. FEEL: You will...
17 Oct Prone Hip External And Internal Rotation – AROM
HOW: Get set-up laying on your stomach with your knee bent at 90 degrees so that your shin is facing up towards the ceiling. While keeping your hips and pelvis flat and parallel to the ground, slowly let your foot fall out to one...
17 Oct Frog Bridge
HOW: Get set-up on your back with your knees bent and the bottom of both feet touching one another so that the outside of your ankles are on the ground. Flatten your lower back into the ground followed by bridging up and lowering down....