20 Apr Single Leg Reverse Plank
HOW: While sitting up, place your hands slightly behind you at your side. Bend one knee up and place your foot flat on the ground. Straighten the other leg out. Using your heel, push down into the ground lifting your hips up while keeping...
03 Apr Staggered Bridge
HOW: Start on your back with your legs spread and both knees bent, bend the knee in which you want to bias more - meaning that heel is closer to your butt. Tighten up your stomach first, then your glutes. Next, drive your heels into...
03 Apr Isometric Bridge – Hip Abduction, Band
HOW: Get set-up laying on your back with your knees bent. Place a band above your knees. Perform the exercise by beginning with a bridge, focusing on driving the hips towards the ceiling, think about tucking your tailbone when you are at the top. Next...
03 Apr Bridge – Isometric Hip Abduction, Band
HOW: Get set-up laying on your back with your knees bent. Place a band above your knees. Perform this exercise by beginning with a bridge by driving your hips towards the ceiling, while simultaneously spreading your knees out as far as you can. FEEL: You will...
01 Apr Posterior Lunge – Alternating
HOW: Starting in a standing position, take a moderate length step backwards and perform a lunge movement. Pause at the bottom, then return to starting position. Repeat on the opposite side, then continue to perform alternating lunges in place. FEEL: You should feel at least 80%...
01 Apr Posterior Lunge – Alternating, Kettlebell, Front Rack
HOW: Starting in a standing position holding a weight at your chest, take a moderate length step backwards and perform a lunge movement. Pause at the bottom, then return to starting position. Repeat on the opposite side, then continue to perform alternating lunges in place. ...
31 Mar Clam – Feet Elevated
HOW: Begin on your side with your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles stacked over each other. Bring your knees up slightly towards your chest. In this side lying position keep both feet off of the floor then open your top knee up towards the ceiling...
22 Mar Hip Thrust – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin with your mid-back against a bench or a couch with you feet about hip width apart. Place a weight or object in your lap at your pubic bone. While keeping your chin tucked, thrust your hips towards the ceiling. Focus on driving...
03 Feb Standing Donkey Kick – Band
HOW: Begin on one leg with a resistance band wrapped around your opposite ankle. You can use a firm surface to maintain balance. Elevate your leg with the resistance band and kick that leg out and back. FEEL: You should feel your butt muscles...
03 Feb Tall Kneeling Hip Hinge – Resisted, Standing
HOW: Start in a tall kneeling position with both knees down on the ground. The first step is to posteriorly tuck your pelvis by imagining you’re tucking a tail between your legs. Next, keeping this tuck, squeeze your glutes and core very hard and drive...