14 Jan Shoulder Flexion – AAROM, Dowel
HOW: The goal of this exercise is to use your opposite arm as much as possible to facilitate improving the desired motion. Hold onto a stick or something light that is long enough to hold in both hands. You will use an alternative grip...
14 Jan Shoulder Abduction – AAROM, Dowel
HOW: The goal of this exercise is to use your opposite arm as much as possible to facilitate improving the desired motion. Hold onto a stick or something light that is long enough to hold in both hands. You will use an alternative grip...
09 Jan Shoulder External Rotation Stretch – Wall Support
HOW: Place one hand against the wall with your elbow at your side. Rotate your body away from this arm, feel free to step away to further this motion of the shoulder. Rotate back and forth, each time push a bit deeper into the...
09 Jan Shoulder Internal Rotation Stretch – Wall Support
HOW: Place your hand behind your back as high up as you feel comfortable. Ideally you will be able to reach the opposite shoulder blade. Once you find this point, stand up tall while pulling your shoulder blades together. This will help stretch the...
09 Jan Shoulder Abduction Stretch – Wall Support
HOW: Place your hands against the wall at about shoulder height, then crawl up with your hand as high as you feel comfortable. Now lean your body into your arm by bringing your hips away from the wall. This will be a body on...
09 Jan Shoulder Flexion Stretch – Wall Support
HOW: Place your hands against the wall at about shoulder height. Hinge at your hips and bring your body forward, this will be a body on arm movement which will increase the amount of shoulder elevation you are working into. Be gentle and move...
30 Dec Shoulder Around The World – Wall Support
HOW: Standing about upper arm distance away from the wall. Begin with your hand by your side and palm facing towards you. Bring your arm up and around until you hit a “sticky” spot, then rotate your palm facing towards the wall. Follow this...
29 Dec Split Stance Chop
HOW: Get set-up in a high lunge/split stance position with a band anchored at or above your head level. Have the band anchored to the side of you and the knee that is closest to the anchor will be forward. While holding onto the...
29 Dec Sidelying Shoulder Flexion
HOW: Get set-up laying on your side with your hips and knees slightly bent, you can use a pillow for head and neck support. You can rest your arm on your side before starting, the goal with this exercise is to try and keep...
29 Dec Shoulder Internal Rotation – Band
HOW: Get a band set-up at elbow height and you will face perpendicular to the anchor. You will perform this exercise on one side at a time. Start with your elbow by your side, bent to 90 degrees, thumb facing up, and your hand...