21 May Side Lying External Rotation – AROM
HOW: Start by lying on your side with your knees bent. Bend the top arm’s elbow to make a 90 degree bend or an “L” shape. Support your head with your other arm or a pillow. Your palm should be facing flat against your...
31 Mar Supine Shoulder Flexion – PROM
HOW: Begin laying face up with your fingers interlocked or held onto by the opposite arm. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms as far overhead as possible. Keep the involved shoulder as relaxed as possible. FEEL: You may feel the...
31 Mar Supine Shoulder Flexion to 90 – PROM, Hand Assist
HOW: Begin laying face up with your fingers interlocked or held onto by the opposite arm. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms up to 90 degrees, this is when your arm is straight up and down. Keep the involved shoulder...
16 Dec Hip Hinge – Hand Behind Back
HOW: Get set up standing with your hand resting behind your back in a comfortable position. Begin the exercise by performing a hip hinge followed by standing tall and reaching out and back behind you with the other arm to stretch your pecs. Repeat ...
11 Dec Shoulder Internal Rotation Lift Off – Behind Back
HOW: Get set up standing with your hand resting behind your back in a comfortable position. Begin the exercise by squeezing your shoulder blade directly back. While maintaining this, lift your hand off your back for the time prescribed. Return your hand to starting...
11 Dec Prone Shoulder Internal Rotation Lift Off
HOW: Get set up laying on your stomach with your hand resting behind your back in a comfortable position. Begin the exercise by squeezing your shoulder blade directly back. While maintaining this, lift your hand off your back for the time prescribed. Return your...
11 Dec Shoulder Hand Behind Back – PROM
HOW: On the side you want to work on reaching behind your back, hold a towel with your palm facing backwards. Hold the towel with your other hand and depending on your range of motion, you can have the towel positioned behind the waist...
04 Dec Seated Wall Angel
HOW: Sit against a wall with your knees up towards your chest, now perform a wall angel. Your goal should be to try to keep your elbows and hands against the wall the entire time. If you are not able to, that is completely...
21 Nov Kneeling Thoracic Spine Extension Mobilization
HOW: Get set up first by placing a barbell around thigh height on a rack. You can also perform this exercise on a box, bench, or any other object around that height. Then get down on both knees and place the end of your...
21 Nov Kneeling Lat Mobilization – External Rotation, Dowel
HOW: Get set up first by placing a barbell around thigh height on a rack. You can also perform this exercise on a box, bench, or any other object around that height. Grab a dowel or PVC pipe with your palms face UP just...