28 Jul Under Switch to Crab Reach
HOW: Start in an all four position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet under your hips with your knees bent. From this position, push through your hands and feet to lift your knees off the ground slightly. While maintaining this, step back...
26 Jun Lateral Bear Crawl
HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, then push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. Move your foot and...
26 Jun Forward Bear Crawl
HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, then push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. Move your foot and...
10 Jun Reverse Bear Crawl
HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. Step backwards with one leg...
27 May Bear Hip Extension – On Elbows
HOW:Place your forearms on the ground with your elbows straight under your shoulders, your knees straight down from your hips. Push into the ground with your toes and lift your knees off of the ground. From this position, kick one leg straight back from...
27 May Bear Fire Hydrant – On Elbows
HOW: Place your forearms on the ground with your elbows straight under your shoulders, your knees straight down from your hips. Push into the ground with your toes and lift your knees off of the ground. From this position, keep your knee bent as...
09 May Shin Soft Tissue Mobilization – Foam Roller
HOW: Start on all fours. Place the foam roller underneath your shin. Roll up down for the muscle on the outside of your shin bone. FEEL: You should feel a massage for the muscle on the outside of your shin bone in the front. ...
09 May Bear Crawl Fire Hydrant – Band
HOW: Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Loop the band around your thighs just above your knees. Push down with your toes and hands lifting your knees slightly above the floor going into the...
09 May Bear Crawl Fire Hydrant
HOW: Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.. Push down with your toes and hands lifting your knees slightly above the floor going into the bear crawl position. While keeping the knee bent, kick out with...
08 May Bear Position Big Toe Stretch
HOW: Get set up at the top of a down dog position with your heels lifted and your weight supported through your toes with your big toe facing straight forward. Perform the stretch by lowering your body down and letting your knees bend while...
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