This is a “bang for your buck” prehab exercise that everyone could benefit from. Whether you want to work on balance, single leg stability, trunk stability, hip hinge, hamstrings, or controlling weight shifting this covers it all. Every golfer I see gets prescribed this exercise...

It is essential to train proximal lower extremity and trunk stability/strength. Without this, you're exposing your shoulder and elbow to some serious forces as a compensation to produce power. An article by Oliver et al. 2016 said it best, "Functionally training the body for UE...

A quick lesson on the importance of the glutes in human gait, walking is the most common movement performed by humans on a daily basis. Did you know the 2nd highest torque demand in the gait cycle is imposed on the hip extensors at initial...

If you want to challenge your balance, you need to add demands to the task that decrease your stability. Perturbations are an effective way to add instability to your exercise. Perturbations are awesome because they provide constant variability. Research has shown variability of practice can...

My Grandma is 96 years old and she still GETS UP AND MOVES! No matter the age, YOU NEED TO MOVE! The ACSM fitness guidelines for the older adult population for health benefits is, for the most part, exactly the same as for adults (ie...
