HOW: Get set-up standing holding the ends of a band in each hand with an alternate grip, the side you will perform this on will have it’s palm facing forward with the other palm facing down. We will go over the example for the...

HOW: Get set-up in a high lunge/split stance position with a band anchored at or above your head level. Have the band anchored to the side of you and the knee that is closest to the anchor will be forward. While holding onto the...

HOW: Get set-up laying on your side with your hips and knees slightly bent, you can use a pillow for head and neck support. You can rest your arm on your side before starting, the goal with this exercise is to try and keep...

HOW: Get a band set-up at shoulder height and you will face the anchor. You will perform this exercise on one side at a time. While starting with your elbow straight, elbow at shoulder height, and palm facing down, drive your elbow back by...

HOW: Get set-up in a standing position with your hands by your side and arms straight. While maintaining arm position, slowly make big backward followed by forward circles with your shoulders and shoulder blades.   FEEL: This should feel like nice shoulder and shoulder blade...

HOW: Lay on your stomach and rest your forehead on the ground. You can use a towel roll for comfort between the floor and your head. Get your arms resting in a ‘W’ position overhead with your hands on the ground. While maintaining this...

HOW: Get a mini-loop band set-up around your wrists or hold a theraband in your hands about shoulder width apart while keeping tension in the band. While standing and keeping your elbows straight and the rest of your body still, begin to lift your...

HOW: Get a band set-up under your feet while you’re in a standing position holding the ends of the band in each hand. While keeping your elbows straight, staying strong in your shoulder blades, and thumbs pointing up, raise your arms to head height...

HOW: You can either use a dumbbell or band with this exercise. If using a band, anchor it at the ground on step on it. While maintaining a high split stance position, your torso leaned a little bit forward, and holding the band/dumbbell in...

HOW: Get a band set-up at shoulder height. While starting with your elbows straight, elbows at shoulder height, and palms facing down, drive your elbows back by squeezing your shoulder blades together until your elbows are in line with your shoulder. Hold this position...
