04 Jul Assisted Pull Up
HOW: Anchor a band onto the bar and place the other end under your knees or feet. Placing it under your feet with give you additional assistance in pulling yourself up. Then pull yourself up primarily pulling with the shoulder blades then moving at...
04 Jul Pull Up – Neutral Grip
HOW: Begin by holding onto a pull-up bar using a neutral grip, with your thumbs facing the back wall. Then pull yourself up primarily pulling with the shoulder blades then moving at the shoulders and elbows. Slowly lower yourself back to starting position and...
04 Jul Scapula Retraction – Cable
HOW: Stand facing a pulley machine with the anchor coming from below. While holding onto a pulley, pull back your shoulder blade as far as you can. Make sure to stand back far enough to allow your shoulder blade to come forward when you...
02 Jul Shoulder Ys – Swissball
HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up, reach your arms up and out over your head in the...
02 Jul Shoulder Ts – Swissball
HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up, reach your arms up and out to the side of you...
30 Jun Golf Stance Shoulder Ts – Band
HOW: Get set-up in a golf stance position with bands anchored in front of you at about waist height or lower. Criss-cross the bands and hold them in front of you with your arms straight. Perform a T motion bringing one arm out to...
30 Jun Golf Stance Shoulder Ts – Rotation, Band
HOW: Get set-up in a golf stance position with bands anchored in front of you at about waist height or lower. Criss-cross the bands and hold them in front of you with your arms straight. Perform a T motion bringing one arm out to...
17 Jun Prone Overhead Press – Swiss ball
HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up and start with your elbows are your side, lift your elbows...
19 May Single Arm Row – TRX
HOW: While standing hold onto the TRX with one hand, the further you are from the suspension trainer the more difficult this exercise will become. Slowly lower yourself with control then pull yourself back up to starting position. Make sure you use your shoulder...
19 May Single Arm Row – Rotation, TRX
HOW: While standing hold onto the TRX with one hand, the further you are from the suspension trainer the more difficult this exercise will become. Slowly lower yourself while rotating your opposite arm towards the floor, then pull yourself back up to starting position....