31 May Tabletop Heel Tap – Anti-Extension, Band
HOW: Start by lying on your back with a band anchored behind you, about waist height. Take the band and pull it down with straight arms below chest height, right up to the line of the belly button. Take a tabletop position with knees and...
31 May Supine Table Top Pelvic Tilt – On Wall
HOW: Start by lying on your back near a wall. Place both feet flat up against the wall. Find 90 degrees bend at the knees and the hips. The low back is flat against the floor. Tilt the pelvis posteriorly, or towards the top of...
31 Dec Supine Table Top Oblique Activation
HOW: Start by lying on your back. Bend your knees and bring them up towards your chest straight up from your hips. Have your lower legs pointing straight out creating an “L” in your legs. Place one hand on top of the opposite knee....
27 May Table Top Isometric Hold
HOW: Begin by lying flat on your back with your knees bent and feet supported on the ground. To perform the exercise, flatten your low back into the ground, then while maintaining this position lift your legs into the air so that your knees...
05 Apr Table Top Pull Over – Kettlebell
HOW: Assume the table top position by placing both hips and knees at a 90 deg angle. You should have your core braced in this position, not letting the bottom of your rib cage flare out. Holding the kettlebell with both arms, slowly lower...
03 Apr Table Top Bench Press – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your back with your knees above your hips, this is held by keeping your core strong. Think about pushing your back against the floor to keep the core engagement for the entirety of this exercise. Once you are controlled in this...
03 Apr Table Top Single Arm Bench Press – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your back with your knees above your hips, this is held by keeping your core strong. Think about pushing your back against the floor to keep the core engagement for the entirety of this exercise. Once you are controlled in this...