HOW:  Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs down, reach your arms behind you in the shape of an “I”....

HOW: Start by assuming a plank position on a swissball with your toes on the ground and your elbows on the swissball. Actively push into the swissball through your elbows with your shoulder blades. Your shoulders should be active. Once in a stable and...

HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up, reach your arms up and out over your head in the...

HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up, reach your arms up and out to the side of you...

HOW: Start by assuming a plank position on a swissball with your toes on the ground and your elbows on the swissball. Actively push into the swissball through your elbows with your shoulder blades. Your shoulders should be active.   FEEL: You should feel all...

HOW: Get set-up laying flat on your stomach with your knees bent and feet supported on a swiss ball, that is being stabilized by a partner. Begin the exercise by rapidly alternating bending and straightening your knees - kicking your heels into the ball...

HOW: Get set-up laying flat on your back with your knees extended and feet supported on a swiss ball, that is being stabilized by a partner. Begin the exercise by bridging up to lift your hips off the ground. While maintaining this position, rapidly...

HOW: Get set-up into a football Heisman position using a wall and a swiss ball between your knee and the wall. While maintaining this position and pressure into the ball against the wall, lift up on your toes with the leg that is on...

HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs up and start with your elbows are your side, lift your elbows...

HOW: Get a swiss ball ideally set-up between a wall and your back, have it initially placed in your low back region near waist height. While keeping pressure into the ball and the ball, perform a squat and repeat.   FEEL: You will feel your...
