06 Oct Lunge Hip Flexion Stretch
HOW: Begin in a runner's stance position. Lower your body as if you are reaching the elbow towards the heel of the leg in front. Really sink down as far as you can. With each exhale sink a bit deeper. FEEL: You should feel...
26 Aug Spanish Squat
HOW: Anchor a band roughly knee height, and place the band around the back of your lower leg. You will then perform a squat while leaning into the band and keeping your trunk straight. FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front of...
26 Aug Seated Long Arc Quad Isometrics – Band
HOW: Begin in a seated position with a band wrapped around your shin bone. Straighten out your knee by pulling into the band. Hold the desired position. FEEL: You will feel the thigh muscles working with this exercise. COMPENSATION: Please avoid moving at the...
26 Aug Single Leg Spanish Squat
HOW: Anchor a band roughly knee height, and place the band around the back of the desired lower leg. Elevate one leg and stay balanced on the leg with the band. You will then perform a single leg squat while leaning into the band...
26 Aug Single Leg Wall Spanish Squat
HOW: Place your back against a wall then slide down into a wall squat. Shift your weight onto one side and lift the opposite leg off the floor. Have a partner pull a band wrapped around your knee. The stronger the band and the...
20 Aug Dead Bug
HOW: Start this exercise on your back in a 90/90 position, with your knees over your hips and your arms in front of your shoulders. Keep the small of your back pushed into the floor by activating your core. While maintaining core activation drop...
09 Aug Downward Dog Terminal Knee Extension – Band
HOW: Get set-up in a down dog position, but with your knees bent. On the side you want to perform the exercise, get a band set-up behind the knee and anchor the band with your hands. Perform the exercise by squeezing your quad to...
09 Aug Reverse Nordic Curl – Assisted
HOW: Get set-up in a tall kneeling position with something under your knees for comfort. Have a band anchored in front of you with tension on it and hold it with your hands for assistance as needed with the exercise. You can have the...
09 Aug Nordic Hamstring Curl – Assisted
HOW: Get set-up in a tall kneeling position with something under your knees for comfort and with a partner or weight holding your ankles down. Have a band around your torso that is anchored behind you with tension on it for assistance with the...
04 Jul Assisted Pull Up
HOW: Anchor a band onto the bar and place the other end under your knees or feet. Placing it under your feet with give you additional assistance in pulling yourself up. Then pull yourself up primarily pulling with the shoulder blades then moving at...