07 Sep First Rib Mobilization – Strap
HOW: For this exercise begin in a seated position with a strap like object slung over one shoulder and tucked under the opposite hip like a seatbelt. The strap should be tucked at the base of the neck. From here, gently pull the strap...
02 Jul Half Kneeling Quadriceps Stretch – Dynamic, Strap
HOW: Place a pad on the ground. Kneel on the pad with one knee and place the other foot flat on the ground with your knee bent in front of you. Wrap a band or strap around the foot that is behind you. Grab...
26 Jun Seated Calf Isometrics – Strap
HOW: Have your legs straight out in front of you in a seated or long sitting position. Loop a band around the bottom of one of your feet. Use both hands to pull your foot back with the band while keeping your knee straight....
19 Nov Quad Set – AAROM, Strap
HOW: Follow this foolproof guide to wake your quad back up! Use a stretch strap or towel and place it around the balls of your feet, holding onto both ends of the towel with your hands. Laying on the ground or on a table...
06 Oct Supine Hamstring Stretch – Strap
HOW: Use a stretch strap, bath towel, or bed sheet. Wrap it around the arch of your foot, then lay down on your back in a relaxed and comfortable position. Keeping your leg completely relaxed, use your arms to pull the strap. FEEL: You...
30 Jul Seated Straight Leg Raise – AAROM, Strap
HOW: In a seated position back yourself up against a wall. Place a strap around the ball of your foot while holding both ends with your hands. While keeping your core engaged raise your leg off the floor as high as you can. Use...
30 Jul Seated Knee Flexion – AAROM, Strap
HOW: Begin in a seated position with a strap or a towel wrapped around the middle of your foot. Pull your foot in towards your butt. You may need to choke up on the strap to get leverage with your arms. When you get...
30 Jul Prone Quad Stretch – Strap
HOW: Lay face down with a towel or strap around your ankle. Use the strap to pull your ankle towards your butt. Make sure to keep the pelvis tilted posterior (tucking your tailbone to keep a flat low back) while performing this stretch. FEEL:...