10 Dec Quadruped Hip Extension – Slider
HOW: Begin by positioning yourself in the quadruped position. Both hands on the ground under your shoulders, and your knees on the ground underneath your hips. Find a neutral spine as shown in the video. Don’t let the imaginary glass of water on your...
10 Dec Face The Wall Squat
HOW: Start by facing a wall. Stand as close as you can to it with your feet up against it spread about shoulder width and your toes slightly facing outward. Raise your arms up overhead. Use your core and hip muscles to pull your...
10 Dec Cat Cow – Full Spine
HOW: Begin in the quadruped position. Your hands on the ground underneath your shoulders and your knees on the ground under your hips. Starting with a flat back, create a hump in your back as much as you can by pretending you have a...
10 Dec Bird Dog – Slider
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. Place a slider under one foot. In this position, you will balance on the opposite arm and leg. The wider you are the easier to balance, the more narrow the more challenging this will be. Bring the...
18 Sep Quadruped Push Up Plus
HOW:Begin in the quadruped position with your back flat, knees on the ground underneath the hips, and your hands underneath your shoulders. From here, keep your elbows straight as you bring your shoulder blades back. Once they are as far back as you can...
18 Sep Quadruped Forward Weight Shift
HOW: Begin in the quadruped position with your back flat, knees on the ground underneath the hips, and your hands underneath your shoulders. From here, shift your weight forward onto your hands until it is as far as you can comfortably go. Shift back...
05 Sep Hooklying March – Foam Roller, Anti-Rotation
HOW: Begin by lying on a foam roller. Your head, back and hips should all be centered on the roller. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor with your hands out slightly from the roller for support. From here, bring...
05 Sep Dead Bug – Foam Roller, Arms Overhead, Ball
HOW: Start by lying on a long foam roller. The roller should be down the middle of your back with your hips and head on the roller. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground. Holding a ball with both hands,...
28 Aug Tall Plank – TRX
HOW: Anchor TRX bands above your head. Face away from the anchor and place a band in each hand. Walk your feet back as you lean forward. Keep your elbows straight, knees straight, and have your toes pushing into the ground creating a plank...
28 Aug Side Plank T – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your side with feet stacked together, knees straight, and your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in the front at chest level. From here, lift your hips into the air with your...