25 Jul Split Stance Hold – Trunk Rotation
HOW: Begin standing with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Maintain that position as you put both arms straight out in front of you at chest height. From here, rotate your...
25 Jul Split Stance Hold – Lateral Trunk Flexion
HOW: Begin standing with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Maintain that position as you put both arms straight up overhead. From here, Bend to the side as you keep your...
03 Jul Split Stance Snap Down
HOW: Begin in a standing position with one foot’s toes aligned with the other foot/s heels in a split stance position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your...
26 Jun Pec Fly – Band
HOW: Anchor bands at shoulder height or above. Face away from the anchor and have a band in each hand. Stagger your feet for a strong base. Bring the bands up at your side just below shoulder height. With your palms facing forward, arms...
10 Jun Split Stance Lunge – Toes Elevated
HOW: Place a weight plate on the ground. Place the balls of your toes on the edge of the weight plate with one foot. Bring the other leg back into the lunge position. Keep your weight forward as you bend the knee on the...
27 May Split Stance Lunge – RNT
HOW: Anchor a band about knee height. Loop it around the outside knee just about the knee cap. The band should feel like it’s trying to pull your leg inwards. Your goal is to resist the band and push out against the band at...
27 May Lateral Lunge – BOSU
HOW: Place a bosu ball a few feet to the side of you with the ball side up. Step to the side with the foot closer to the bosu and land on the ball bending at the knee, glutes back, and slightly bending your...
27 May Deficit Posterior Lunge
HOW: Begin by standing on a sturdy elevated surface. Step backwards with one leg as you bend the leg on the elevated surface down. Drop your hips lower than the knee on the surface and then push back up into the starting position. FEEL:...
22 May Tempo Split Stance Lunge
HOW: Begin with one foot in front and the other leg extended back with your back toes pushing into the ground. Keeping your torso straight up, lunge forward and down for 5 seconds, hold that position for 3 seconds, and push back up into...
22 May Split Stance Soleus Raise
HOW: Start in a split stance position with one foot forward and the other foot behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Load most of your weight into the front leg. From this position, lift your heels up. Make sure to lift...