11 May Standing Hip Extension – Slider
HOW: Get set-up standing with one foot on a slider, the side you want to target will be the one on the slider. While staying tall and stable throughout the rest of your body, perform isolated hip extension by sliding your foot backwards on...
16 Apr Around the World – Slider
HOW: Place a slider under the leg you do NOT want to work. The working leg is the leg that does not move. Slowly lower your body into a partial squat. Then slide the slider in front of you and make a complete circle...
16 Apr Curtsey Lunge – Slider
HOW: Place a slider under the leg you do NOT want to work. The working leg is the leg that does not move. Slowly lower your body and slide the slider out behind and out to the side of you into a curtsey lunge...
16 Apr Posterior Lunge – Slider
HOW: Place a slider under the leg you do NOT want to work. The working leg is the leg that does not move. Slowly lower your body and slide the sliders out behind you into a posterior lunge position. Then return back to the...
16 Apr Anterior Reach – Slider
HOW: Place a slider under the leg you do NOT want to work. The working leg is the leg that does not move. Slowly lower your body and reach out in front of you, then return back to the starting position by 'pushing' yourself...
05 Feb Lateral Lunge – Slider
HOW: Use a frictionless surface (ie magazine on carpet, pillow cloth on hardwood) under one foot - this will be the moving foot. Keeping all your weight on your opposite leg, slowly lower yourself and slide your foot out. Squeeze the inside part of...