10 Dec Quadruped Hip Extension – Slider
HOW: Begin by positioning yourself in the quadruped position. Both hands on the ground under your shoulders, and your knees on the ground underneath your hips. Find a neutral spine as shown in the video. Don’t let the imaginary glass of water on your...
10 Dec Bird Dog – Slider
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees. Place a slider under one foot. In this position, you will balance on the opposite arm and leg. The wider you are the easier to balance, the more narrow the more challenging this will be. Bring the...
02 Jul Slider Lunge – Anterior, Lateral, Posterior
HOW: Begin in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Shift most of your weight to the leg without the slider. Perform a small squat by bending your knee and hinging forward at the hips while you slide your foot forwards, laterally,...
02 Jul Slider Lunge – Anterior, Lateral, Posterior, Curtsey
HOW: Begin in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Shift most of your weight to the leg without the slider. Perform a small squat by bending your knee and hinging forward at the hips while you slide your foot forwards, laterally,...
26 Jun Half Kneeling Hamstring Glider
HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position with a slider underneath the foot that is up. Hold onto a dowel with the opposite arm to assist you with balance. Slowly straighten the leg onto the slider. Apply pressure through your heel as you’re straightening the...
26 Jun Hamstring Glider
HOW: Start in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Hold onto a dowel with the hand opposite side to the foot with the slider. Begin to slide back while keeping your knee straight. Load the other leg’s heel, push into the...
09 May Single Leg Hamstring Curl – Hips Down, Slider
HOW: While lying supine, bring both of your knees up and your feet flat on the ground. Place the slider underneath one foot. Push down into the slider with you heel as your straighten your leg all the way out. Keep the other bent...
09 May Single Leg Hamstring Curl – Slider
HOW: While lying supine, relax your arms at your side with your palms down. Bring your knees up and place your feet flat on the ground. Place the slider underneath one foot (make sure to use a smooth floor surface!). As you push down...
20 Aug Hamstring Curl – Hips Down, Slider
HOW: Begin lying flat on your back with something under your heels to allow your feet to slide back and forth. Start the exercise by digging your heels into the ground and sliding your feet towards your butt. Bend your knees as far as...
20 Aug Hamstring Curl to Bridge – Hips Down, Slider
HOW: Begin lying flat on your back with something under your heels to allow your feet to slide back and forth. Start the exercise by digging your heels into the ground and sliding your feet towards your butt. Bend your knees as far as...