12 Mar Prone Dart
HOW: Get set up lying face down on your stomach with a towel roll underneath your forehead. Have your arms down at your side with your palms facing your hips. From here, inhale and as you exhale lift your head and upper chest off of...
12 Mar Child’s Pose – Prone Press Up Flow
HOW: Start on your hands and knees with your knees underneath your hips and reach your hands as far out as you can. Sit your hips back and try to place your butt on your heels while keeping your arms straight out in front of...
20 Sep Plank Psoas March – Band
HOW: Loop a band around both of your feet. Get into the push-up/plank position with your hands on the ground underneath your shoulders and toes pushing into the ground keeping your body in a straight line. From here, keep your back flat as you...
20 Sep Reverse Bear Crawl – Slider
HOW: Start in a quadruped position with your hands on the ground underneath your shoulders and your knees under your hips with the toes pushing into the ground. Place a slider underneath each foot. Push into the ground lifting your knees slightly off the...
31 Mar Hook Lying Hollow Hold
HOW: Begin by lying on your back on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground or table. Engage your core by drawing your belly button towards your spine and tuck your chin. From here, straighten your arms and raise...
31 Dec Hollow Hold – Weight Plate On Legs
HOW: Lying on your back, place a weight plate on top of your lower legs with your feet together. Bring both of your arms straight up overhead. Contract your core to flatten your back, then lift both feet up off of the ground about...
14 Dec Bridge – Head Turns
HOW: Get set-up flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground with the knees bent at approx. 90 degrees. While maintaining a flat low back, push into the ground to bridge up and lift your hips off the ground. Your body...
14 Dec Bridge Twist and Reach – Isometric Hip Abduction, Band
HOW: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Loop a band around your knees. Push the band out with both knees, then bring both of your hands together with your arms straight out in front...
14 Dec Bridge Twist and Reach
HOW: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Bring both of your hands together with your arms straight out in front of your chest. From here, push into the ground and lift your hips up...
10 Dec Cat Cow – Full Spine
HOW: Begin in the quadruped position. Your hands on the ground underneath your shoulders and your knees on the ground under your hips. Starting with a flat back, create a hump in your back as much as you can by pretending you have a...