07 Aug Calf Foam Rolling
Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your calves! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....
03 Aug Single Leg Heel Raise
HOW: Stand in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. Stand on the leg you want to train. While keeping your glutes and quads tight to keep your knee straight, lift your heel up in a slow and controlled manner,...
03 Aug Single Leg Heel Raise Off Step
HOW: Place a step in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. Using only one leg, step onto the box with the balls of your feet on the edge of the box, and let your heel hang off the box....
03 Aug Single Leg Heel Raise Isometrics
HOW: Get set-up in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. While keeping your glutes and quads tight to keep your knees straight, lift your heels off the ground in a slow and controlled manner. Then shift all your weight over...
03 Aug Eccentric Single Leg Heel Raise
HOW: Get set-up in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. While keeping your glutes and quads tight to keep your knees straight, lift your heels off the ground in a slow and controlled manner. Then shift all your weight...
03 Aug Heel Raise Isometrics – Knee Bent
HOW: Get set-up in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. Slightly bend your knees into a quarter squat position. Lift your heels off the ground in a slow and controlled manner. Hold this position for the desired amount of...
03 Aug Heel Raise Isometrics
HOW: Get set-up in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. While keeping your glutes and quads tight to keep your knees straight, lift your heels off the ground in a slow and controlled manner. Hold this position for the...
03 Aug Heel Raise
HOW: Get set-up in front of a wall or an object to use for balance if necessary. While keeping your glutes and quads tight to keep your knees straight, lift your heels off the ground in a slow and controlled manner, then slowly lower...
03 Aug Heel Raise – Off Step
HOW: Place a step in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. Step onto the box with the balls of your feet on the edge of the box, and your heels off the box. While keeping your glutes and quads...
03 Aug Ankle Plantarflexion And Inversion – Band
HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot. Use your other foot to apply a line of resistance that is to the outside and closer than your working ankle (shown in the video). Your goal is to slowly push your ankle in a down...