HOW: Begin in a seated position with a band wrapped around your shin bone. Straighten out your knee by pulling into the band. Hold the desired position.   FEEL: You will feel the thigh muscles working with this exercise.   COMPENSATION: Please avoid moving at the...

HOW: Get set-up seated with your back supported and support your leg by wrapping your arm under your knee. While keeping your thigh still, rotate your shin bone side-to-side, it is ok for the ankle to help drive the motion.   FEEL: You should feel...

HOW: Get set-up seated on the edge of a surface with your feet hanging off at a 90˚ angle. To begin the exercise, rotate your ankle and shinbone out as far as you can while keeping this position kick the leg straight until your...

HOW: Get set-up seated on the edge of a surface with your feet hanging off at a 90˚ angle. Place a band around your ankles. On the side, you want to perform this exercise, kick the leg straight until your knee is fully straight,...

HOW: Get set-up seated on the edge of a surface with your feet hanging off at a 90˚ angle. Place a band around your ankles. On the side you want to perform this exercise, kick the leg straight until your thigh and shin make...

HOW: Get set-up on the ground sitting on your butt. Use a yoga block or other object and place it under your bottom if your low back is rounding too much. To perform the stretch, bring your feet in together towards your groin, hold...

HOW: Get set-up seated with your back supported and support your leg by wrapping your arm under your knee. While keeping your thigh still, draw large circles in a clockwise and counter-clockwise direction with your ankle.   FEEL: You should feel your calf and ankle...

Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your calves! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....

Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your posterior thigh! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....

Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out the  muscles in your hips! You want to avoid any bony landmarks like your sitbones. Everywhere else on your hips you are welcome to roll as long as you want! You only need to...
