HOW: Place a foam roller on the ground and position it below your knees at the top part of the lower leg. Place your hands or forearms on the ground and roll up and down on the muscle in the front part of your...

HOW: Place a foam roller on the ground and then lay on top, face down, with the roller being at the top of your hip. Use your hands and opposite foot as a guide to roll your body up and down focusing the roller...

HOW: Anchor a band with two ends in a lower position close to the ground. Lay on your stomach in a prone position facing the band. Grab onto the band with each hand. Lift your chest and head up off of the ground while...

HOW: Anchor a band with two ends in a lower position close to the ground. Lay on your stomach in a prone position facing the band. Grab onto the band with each hand. Keep your chest on the ground and slightly lift your head...

HOW: Anchor a band with two ends in a lower position close to the ground. Lay on your stomach in a prone position facing the band. Grab onto the band with each hand. Lift your chest and head up off of the ground while...

HOW: Anchor a band with two ends in a lower position close to the ground. Lay on your stomach in a prone position facing the band. Grab onto the band with each hand. Lift your chest and head up off of the ground while...

HOW: Start in a push up position with toes pushing into the ground and your shoulders, hips, and knees in a straight line. Have a slider of some sort underneath one hand. As you go down in the push up, slide the slider out...

HOW: Begin by lying on a swissball with it comfortably under your belly button in a plank-like position. Push your toes into the ground engaging your glutes and core while keeping your back flat. From here, bring your elbows together down in front of...
